6 Dangers of Hair Paint from its Chemical Ingredients
Hair coloring is fun. The reason is, this one activity can make the appearance more stylish and look younger.
However, behind all these benefits, it turns out that there is a danger of hair dye lurking if you do it too often. This can happen because in hair dye products that are sold in the market sometimes there are some harmful chemicals that can affect health.
Health Risks of Hair Dye
There are three main types of hair dye products on the market, namely permanent, semi-permanent and temporary. The harmful ingredients in hair dye are usually found in permanent hair dye products.
This is because in order to change hair color, permanent hair dyes need the harshest chemicals to effect lasting changes to hair strands.
This discoloration can last until the hair is replaced by new hair growth, but this is enough to change the appearance. However, you need to remember that these benefits cannot be separated from the dangers of hair dye that lurk if you use permanent hair dye continuously.
Here are some of the dangers of hair dye that may occur and you should consider:
1. Allergies
Hair dye allergy cases are generally caused by a chemical called para-phenylenediamine (PPD). People who are allergic to PPD will usually experience symptoms in the form of rashes and itching on the scalp and face.
Meanwhile, a more severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) can be in the form of skin redness, dizziness, and even swelling of the eyes, lips, hands and feet. This condition must be treated immediately because of the risk of causing shortness of breath if swelling also occurs in the respiratory tract.
Apart from PPD chemicals, the dangers of this one hair dye can also be caused by the hydrogen peroxide content in hair dye products.
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2. Skin irritation
Apart from causing allergies, PPD can also cause skin irritation. When exposed to these substances directly, the skin can experience irritation. Some people who experience irritation from PPD will complain that their skin becomes red, dry, cracked, swollen, blistered, and feels hot.
3. Damaged hair
To change hair color, the chemicals in hair dye will remove hair protein and then replace it with the desired color. That way, the hair structure can change and changes in hair color can occur.
Changes in hair structure can damage the hair shaft and cause it to become drier, coarser, and fall out. The danger of hair dye on this one can be even worse if you don't take good care of your hair after coloring your hair.
4. Disorders of the eye
Accidentally, sometimes splashes of hair dye can get into the eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes immediately to clean them. If not cleaned can cause interference with the eye.
The danger of this one hair dye can cause eye problems in the form of eye injuries, ranging from redness and temporary irritation, to blindness. However, the severity that occurs also depends on the type of chemical and how much exposure.
5. Cancer
Research on the link between the dangers of hair dye and cancer is still being debated. However, this still means that hair dye can be carcinogenic or increase the risk of cancer. Most studies show a link between the use of hair dye and the risk of developing leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer and bladder cancer.
Several chemicals in hair dye that are considered to increase the risk of getting cancer include para-phenylenediamine (PPD), lead acetate, and coal tar. These chemicals can enter the body through the pores of the scalp or be inhaled when breathing.
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6. Nerve damage
Some hair dye products on the market also contain lead acetate. Lead acetate in hair dye is known to cause brain and nerve damage.
Even though this ingredient has been banned internationally, hair dye that hasn't passed the proper test may still contain it. If you find lead acetate in hair dye products, you should avoid using these products. That way, you can avoid the dangers of this one hair dye.
Tips for Dyeing Hair Safely
If you consider the chemical content and the dangers of hair dye, you should start limiting this one activity. However, if you still want to color your hair, there are some tips for coloring your hair safely.
Here are some hair coloring tips and instructions that you should follow so as not to harm your health:
- Choose semi-permanent and light-colored hair dyes because permanent and dark-colored hair dyes usually contain more chemicals.
- Read the packaging carefully and make sure the product is registered with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).
- Read the contents on the product packaging.
- Follow the instructions on the product regarding how to use it.
- Avoid mixing different products as this can damage your hair and scalp.
- Protect your hands with gloves when dyeing your hair at home.
- Avoid leaving hair dye longer than the time specified in the product usage guide.
- Rinse the hair dye thoroughly from the scalp to the ends of the hair and don't let any hair dye remain on it.
- Do not use hair dye for other than your head hair, for example to dye your eyebrows or eyelashes, because it can increase the risk of infection and blindness.
- Avoid bleaching techniques because it can change the structure of the hair which makes it more susceptible to breakage.
To reduce the risk of allergies due to the use of hair dye, you should do an allergy test independently first. The trick is to apply a little hair dye cream behind your ear, then let it sit and watch the reaction for up to 2 days.
If during this time you don't experience allergy symptoms, such as itching, burning, or redness, it's probably safe for you to continue using it. If the test results are otherwise, it's better to find another hair dye product that doesn't cause an allergic reaction in your body.
However, if you are unsure about the results of an allergy test that you did at home, there's nothing wrong with asking your doctor. That way the doctor can examine and explain the results of allergy tests so that the dangers of hair dye can be avoided.
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