Saturday, 31 August 2024

9 Signs of Pregnancy that are Common and Rarely Noticed by Women


Healthy - A woman is sometimes unaware of the ongoing pregnancy in her womb, especially those who experience irregular menstrual cycles. This is caused by the similarity of the signs of pregnancy with signs of menstruation, such as stomach cramps, mood swings, or pain in the breasts. In fact, there are several signs of pregnancy that some women often don't realize.

So, what are the signs of pregnancy that differentiate them from the signs of menstruation? Let's look at further explanation in the following review.

Important Signs of Pregnancy to Know
Apart from being able to find out from pregnancy test tools such as test packs, the signs of pregnancy can also be seen from physical changes to mood. Below is an explanation of each.

1. Late menstruation

The most common early sign of pregnancy is a late menstrual cycle. When there is a fetus in the uterus, the body will produce the HCG hormone to maintain pregnancy. Where, this hormone also functions to stop menstruation every month.
Menstruation generally stops four weeks after conception. However, you need to know that delays in menstrual cycle can also be caused by hormonal factors.

2. Breast Changes

Not only does it indicate pregnancy, breast changes in women can also occur just before menstruation. However, breast changes in pregnant women will feel firmer, painful, sensitive and uncomfortable. In addition, the nipples will tend to become red, stand out, and the areola will become darker.

Breast changes in pregnant women are caused by an increase in the amount of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Apart from that, pregnancy hormones will also increase blood flow to the nipple area to prepare breast milk, so that vein lines are usually visible around the nipples.

3. Blood spots and stomach cramps appear
If blood spots appear a few days after conception, this could be a sign of pregnancy. The reason is, the fertilized egg will develop into a fetus and attach to the uterus. The attachment process can damage several blood vessels in the uterus, causing light bleeding (spotting).

These signs usually appear within 6–12 days after fertilization. These spots are generally pink, brown, or resemble menstrual blood but with a smaller volume (around 1-2 drops).

Apart from light bleeding, signs of early pregnancy are usually accompanied by stomach cramps. These cramps are generally not very painful, so they are often confused with cramps before menstruation. If you don't realize you are pregnant, some of these signs might make the mother think she is menstruating.

4. Nausea and Fatigue
Signs of pregnancy that are also commonly felt are nausea or morning sickness. This nausea may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. Even though it often occurs in the morning, it is possible that nausea also occurs in the afternoon or evening. This sign of pregnancy usually occurs in the first trimester, but can last until just before birth.

Apart from nausea, pregnant women usually also become tired more quickly. This is caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone which can trigger drowsiness and fatigue even if you do not do excessive activity. This condition can also occur because the body's energy is used to prepare for pregnancy, for example producing more red blood cells.

5. Mood Swings

Mood swings or changes in mood are one of the signs of pregnancy that women rarely know about. Hormonal changes will make pregnant women vulnerable to anger because their moods are unstable and change easily.

6. Frequent urination

Frequent urination is also one of the signs of early pregnancy that you don't realize. Usually, these symptoms appear 6-8 weeks after the egg is fertilized. Frequent urination in early pregnancy is caused by high levels of the HCG hormone, which can cause increased blood flow to the kidneys so that urine production increases.

In addition, hormonal changes can also cause the bladder to become more sensitive, making it difficult to hold in urination. As pregnancy increases, the mother will also experience an increase in the intensity of urination because the increasing size of the uterus will put pressure on the bladder.

7. Head and Back Pain
Signs of pregnancy that are not realized but are often experienced by pregnant women are head and back pain. Headaches occur due to a sudden increase in blood flow and hormones. Where a pregnant woman's body will accommodate 50% additional blood while pregnant.
The location of back pain is generally centered in the lower back. This pain depends on the gestational age and has nothing to do with constipation, flatulence, or implantation cramps. To overcome this, mothers are advised to adopt a good sleeping position during pregnancy so as not to worsen the condition.

8. The sense of smell is more sensitive

According to the journal Frontiers in Psychology, "Pregnancy and Olfaction", in a number of cases, the nose's sensitivity to smelling smells increases drastically when a woman is pregnant. Usually, when you smell a certain smell, young pregnant women will feel other signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, dizziness, or mood changes. This might also affect your appetite.

9. Body temperature increases

A rarely known sign of pregnancy is an increase in internal body temperature when you wake up in the morning. The reason is, basal body temperature will increase after ovulation due to increased progesterone. This sign of pregnancy usually lasts 18 days.

If the mother feels signs of pregnancy as described above, you can try doing a pregnancy test using a test pack or directly visit an obstetrician at the nearest Siloam Hospitals to get accurate results.


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