Sunday 15 September 2024

Low Levels of Good Cholesterol in the Body, What's the Danger?

Healthy High cholesterol levels are always associated with various health problems. Starting from stroke, blood clots, to heart disease. However, a lack of cholesterol in the body can also cause many problems, namely a lack of good cholesterol.

Good cholesterol in the medical world is called high-density lipoprotein (HDL). This type of cholesterol functions to maintain blood vessels, to prevent atherosclerosis (narrowing of blood vessels).

So, the question is, what happens if the levels of good cholesterol in the body are low?

1. Plaque Deposits in the Arteries

It can be said that this condition triggers atherosclerosis. Well, when HDL cholesterol levels in the body are low, the process of removing bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body will be hampered. The reason is, HDL has a role to "recycle" LDL cholesterol in the body.

This uncontrolled amount of LDL can cause plaque formation in the arteries and inhibit the oxygenation process in the blood. You must be aware, this condition can inhibit blood flow to all organs of the body. including the heart and brain.

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2. Narrowing of Blood Vessels

This condition is not only caused by excess fat deposits in the body. However, low levels of good cholesterol or HDL in the body can also trigger narrowing or calcification of blood vessels, better known as atherosclerosis. According to experts from the American Heart Association, this condition is a factor in causing heart attacks, symptoms of heart failure, and kidney failure.

3. Ruptured Blood Vessels

After blood vessels become inflamed and HDL levels are still low, this condition will then interfere with the smooth circulation of red and white blood cells to the vital organs that need them. In addition, both blood cells can get trapped in areas that are inflamed. Well, if left untreated, it is likely to cause blood vessels to rupture. This condition can cause internal bleeding.

4. Blood Clots

Low levels of HDL over a long period of time can also increase the risk of blood clots. For example, blood clots that occur in the carotid and coronary arteries. Well, blood clots in both areas can increase the risk of heart attacks, you know.

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Caused by Many Things

According to Health Harvard, there are various reasons that cause low HDL levels in a person's body. According to research by experts there, genes certainly play a role in determining how much HDL a person's body produces. In addition, lifestyle choices can also affect HDL levels.

For example, smoking habits, being overweight, a diet high in processed carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, etc.), and lack of physical activity tend to lower HDL cholesterol levels in the body. Likewise, drugs, such as beta blockers, anabolic steroids, progestins, and benzodiazepines can also suppress HDL levels.

However, in another place there is also research from United States scientists, regarding pollution and low HDL levels. For example, experts from the Seattle University of Washington School of Public Health, who tested HDL levels in 6,654 men and women aged 40 years and older.

The results of their research showed that people who were exposed to high levels of diesel exhaust known as black carbon for more than a year had significantly low HDL levels. According to an expert explanation in a study published in the American Heart Association Journal Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, decreased HDL levels due to exposure to high vehicle pollution can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

6 Breakfast Menu For People With High Cholesterol

HealthyThe breakfast menu for people with high cholesterol is said to be boring and not tasty, because it's only boiled or steamed. Even though that's not the case, really. There are many breakfast menus for people with high cholesterol that are healthy and also delicious. One example, cob stir fry which is rich in nutrients but also healthy and "friendly" cholesterol.

High cholesterol that is not handled properly has the risk of causing plaque buildup in blood vessels which over time can clog blood vessels. As a result, people with high cholesterol are at risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

It's not easy to process the breakfast menu for people with high cholesterol. Because, apart from having to be low in fat, it is also hoped that the food choices included in the sahur menu can lower cholesterol levels.

Creation of the Sahur Meal Menu for High Cholesterol Sufferers

Apart from not triggering an increase in blood cholesterol levels, the breakfast menu must also be delicious so that you are more appetizing when you eat it. The following is a delicious breakfast menu that is still safe for consumption by people with high cholesterol:

1. Mackerel pepes

Mackerel is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce triglyceride levels and increase good cholesterol (HDL). That is why, good mackerel consumed by people with high cholesterol.

As a delicious and healthy breakfast menu, you can process it into mackerel pepes with the addition of fresh tomato slices. The addition of tomatoes in mackerel pepes is not without reason. Fruits that are high in lycopene have been shown to be effective in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the blood.

2. Grilled tempeh

The next high cholesterol breakfast menu is grilled tempeh. Not only is it easy to make and relatively inexpensive, processed tempeh is also delicious and "safe" for cholesterol. This is thanks to the protein in tempe which can lower LDL and total cholesterol levels and increase blood HDL levels.

The way to make it is also practical, you just season the tempeh with the crushed shallots, garlic, candlenuts, and coriander, then coat it with enough sweet soy sauce. Then, bake the tempeh in a non-stick skillet. No need to add oil, yes.

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3. Bace tofu

Similar to tempeh, tofu is also made from soybeans so it can reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol in the body. For the breakfast menu for people with high cholesterol, you can process the tofu into marinated tofu which tastes savory, salty and sweet.

However, try to consume bacem tofu without frying it. The reason is, the frying process will add trans fat in the marinated tofu, which actually increases blood LDL levels.

4. Vegetable clear spinach

Want a refreshing breakfast menu? You can process spinach into clear vegetables. Not only makes the eyes open, this one meal menu can also lower blood cholesterol levels.

Spinach contains fiber which is able to bind bile acids, thus making the body process more cholesterol. As a result, cholesterol levels will decrease. In addition, spinach also contains lutein which can lower blood LDL levels and prevent blood vessel blockage.

5. Sauté the cobs

Just like mackerel, tuna is also high in omega-3 fatty acids which can lower triglyceride levels and increase blood HDL levels. So, stir-fried cobs are suitable as a breakfast menu for people with high cholesterol, as long as the fish is not fried before it is sautéed.

To make sure the fish is perfectly cooked, you can steam the tuna before frying it. Also, make sure the oil for sauteing uses olive oil. Olive oil itself is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids which can increase HDL levels and reduce blood LDL.

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6. Vegetable soup

It is undeniable that a bowl of warm vegetable soup is a delicious and healthy breakfast menu. Especially if the vegetables added to the soup mixture are types that are rich in antioxidants and pectin, for example tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green beans or carrots.

The antioxidant content in vegetables itself plays a role in maintaining heart health, while pectin can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

The breakfast menu for people with high cholesterol isn't as bland as you might think, right? To make it filling, don't forget to add a source of carbohydrates, such as brown rice.

In addition to the right menu, people with high cholesterol should also not forget to drink 8 glasses of water a day. During the month of Ramadan, you are advised to drink 1 glass of water at dawn, after dawn, when breaking your fast, after Maghrib prayers, after Isya prayers, after Tarawih prayers, and before going to bed.

That way, fasting continues smoothly without fear of increasing blood cholesterol levels. Apart from diet, people with high cholesterol are also advised to see a doctor regularly, so that their cholesterol levels can be monitored and dangerous complications, such as heart attacks and strokes, can be avoided.

6 Dangers of Hair Paint from its Chemical Ingredients

Healthy The dangers of hair dye usually come from the chemicals it contains, such as para-phenylenediamine (PPD), hydrogen peroxide, and lead acetate. These chemicals can optimize hair coloring, but they can also cause some side effects.

Hair coloring is fun. The reason is, this one activity can make the appearance more stylish and look younger.

However, behind all these benefits, it turns out that there is a danger of hair dye lurking if you do it too often. This can happen because in hair dye products that are sold in the market sometimes there are some harmful chemicals that can affect health. 

Health Risks of Hair Dye

There are three main types of hair dye products on the market, namely permanent, semi-permanent and temporary. The harmful ingredients in hair dye are usually found in permanent hair dye products.

This is because in order to change hair color, permanent hair dyes need the harshest chemicals to effect lasting changes to hair strands.

This discoloration can last until the hair is replaced by new hair growth, but this is enough to change the appearance. However, you need to remember that these benefits cannot be separated from the dangers of hair dye that lurk if you use permanent hair dye continuously.

Here are some of the dangers of hair dye that may occur and you should consider:

1. Allergies

Hair dye allergy cases are generally caused by a chemical called para-phenylenediamine (PPD). People who are allergic to PPD will usually experience symptoms in the form of rashes and itching on the scalp and face.

Meanwhile, a more severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) can be in the form of skin redness, dizziness, and even swelling of the eyes, lips, hands and feet. This condition must be treated immediately because of the risk of causing shortness of breath if swelling also occurs in the respiratory tract.

Apart from PPD chemicals, the dangers of this one hair dye can also be caused by the hydrogen peroxide content in hair dye products.

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2. Skin irritation

Apart from causing allergies, PPD can also cause skin irritation. When exposed to these substances directly, the skin can experience irritation. Some people who experience irritation from PPD will complain that their skin becomes red, dry, cracked, swollen, blistered, and feels hot.

3. Damaged hair

To change hair color, the chemicals in hair dye will remove hair protein and then replace it with the desired color. That way, the hair structure can change and changes in hair color can occur.

Changes in hair structure can damage the hair shaft and cause it to become drier, coarser, and fall out. The danger of hair dye on this one can be even worse if you don't take good care of your hair after coloring your hair.

4. Disorders of the eye

Accidentally, sometimes splashes of hair dye can get into the eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes immediately to clean them. If not cleaned can cause interference with the eye.

The danger of this one hair dye can cause eye problems in the form of eye injuries, ranging from redness and temporary irritation, to blindness. However, the severity that occurs also depends on the type of chemical and how much exposure.

5. Cancer

Research on the link between the dangers of hair dye and cancer is still being debated. However, this still means that hair dye can be carcinogenic or increase the risk of cancer. Most studies show a link between the use of hair dye and the risk of developing leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer and bladder cancer.

Several chemicals in hair dye that are considered to increase the risk of getting cancer include para-phenylenediamine (PPD), lead acetate, and coal tar. These chemicals can enter the body through the pores of the scalp or be inhaled when breathing.

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6. Nerve damage

Some hair dye products on the market also contain lead acetate. Lead acetate in hair dye is known to cause brain and nerve damage.

Even though this ingredient has been banned internationally, hair dye that hasn't passed the proper test may still contain it. If you find lead acetate in hair dye products, you should avoid using these products. That way, you can avoid the dangers of this one hair dye.

Tips for Dyeing Hair Safely

If you consider the chemical content and the dangers of hair dye, you should start limiting this one activity. However, if you still want to color your hair, there are some tips for coloring your hair safely.

Here are some hair coloring tips and instructions that you should follow so as not to harm your health:

  • Choose semi-permanent and light-colored hair dyes because permanent and dark-colored hair dyes usually contain more chemicals.
  • Read the packaging carefully and make sure the product is registered with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).
  • Read the contents on the product packaging.
  • Follow the instructions on the product regarding how to use it.
  • Avoid mixing different products as this can damage your hair and scalp.
  • Protect your hands with gloves when dyeing your hair at home.
  • Avoid leaving hair dye longer than the time specified in the product usage guide.
  • Rinse the hair dye thoroughly from the scalp to the ends of the hair and don't let any hair dye remain on it.
  • Do not use hair dye for other than your head hair, for example to dye your eyebrows or eyelashes, because it can increase the risk of infection and blindness.
  • Avoid bleaching techniques because it can change the structure of the hair which makes it more susceptible to breakage.

To reduce the risk of allergies due to the use of hair dye, you should do an allergy test independently first. The trick is to apply a little hair dye cream behind your ear, then let it sit and watch the reaction for up to 2 days.

If during this time you don't experience allergy symptoms, such as itching, burning, or redness, it's probably safe for you to continue using it. If the test results are otherwise, it's better to find another hair dye product that doesn't cause an allergic reaction in your body.

However, if you are unsure about the results of an allergy test that you did at home, there's nothing wrong with asking your doctor. That way the doctor can examine and explain the results of allergy tests so that the dangers of hair dye can be avoided.

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