Sunday, 1 September 2024

Slow Lifestyle in the Middle of a Fast-paced Life Becomes a Solution

Healthy - 
Slow living is a lifestyle that is currently being discussed. In the midst of a fast-paced life, slow living can be a solution for people who crave peace and quiet in life.

Slow living is often described as a way of living life at a leisurely pace. However, don't get me wrong. Slow living doesn't mean you live life lazily. On the other hand, adherents of slow living can be said to be diligent people.

It is true that slow living is an art to live life at a slightly slower pace. Apart from that, this lifestyle also emphasizes mindfulness or doing everything that happens at one time with full attention.

Slow Living versus Hustle Culture

Slow living is inversely proportional to hustle culture which triggers stress, fatigue and burnout. In fact, hustle culture can also cause various health problems, such as headaches, sleep disturbances, anxiety disorders, and depression.

Meanwhile, a slower lifestyle is actually considered good for mental health, and can even relieve stress. Even though it is slower than hustle culture, adherents of slow living can still achieve success, but without being accompanied by excessive stress.

How to Start Slow Living

Slow living is often seen as a lifestyle that only wealthy people can have. In fact, anyone can adopt this lifestyle, maybe even without realizing it you have actually implemented it.

No need to start right away with big things, slow living can be started by implementing the following small things:

1. Focus on the activities that are being undertaken

To start slow living, train yourself to fully focus on the activity at hand. You can start by doing small things, such as not watching television or playing your cell phone while eating.

Pay attention to every food that goes to your mouth, get to know the taste of the food you eat, and enjoy your food without distraction. That way, you will find meaning in the activities you are doing and life will feel more peaceful.

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2. Reduce thinking about things out of control

When life feels so busy, maybe your brain is actually too busy thinking about things that

are out of control. One way is to have negative thoughts about the future.

Instead of thinking about a future that hasn't happened yet, adherents of slow living prefer to focus on paying attention and giving their best to the present activities they are currently living. This method is proven to help you live a more meaningful and less stressful life.

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3. Take a short break

There's nothing wrong with taking a short break in the midst of this fast-paced life. The next way to implement slow living is to take a short break in the middle of a busy activity.

No need to be afraid of falling behind other people when you're resting. On the contrary, this method helps you to make more sense of life and slow living itself.

4. Don't be afraid to say "no"

You don't have to comply with all other people's requests, you know. It's okay to refuse someone else's request if it feels like a burden to you. Don't be afraid of the person's response either. Precisely this is the time for you to learn not to think about things out of control, one of which is the response of other people.

After knowing how to live a slow living lifestyle, you can start considering implementing it. Besides being good for mental health, a slow living lifestyle also doesn't prevent you from working and achieving success.

The slow living lifestyle is also very suitable for those of you who experience burnout or feel tired with busy daily activities. However, if fatigue has interfered with your productivity and relationships with those around you, don't hesitate to consult a psychologist to get appropriate advice.


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