Saturday 7 September 2024

7 Stress Remedies to Try

Healthy -
There are various ways to treat stress, ranging from simple to medical drugs. Stress can cause problems for mental and physical health. To prevent this from happening, try the following stress medications.

Basically, not all stress is bad. Because there is also stress that can be a trigger to return to work enthusiasm, for example when assigned to handle a project in the office. This is classified as good stress and is usually only temporary.

Meanwhile, stress that is classified as bad is usually long-term in nature which can lead to depression. Factors that trigger long-term stress include bullying, problems in interpersonal or family relationships, learning difficulties, problems at work, to the death of a loved one.

Choice of Stress Drugs Worth Trying

To deal with stress, you can do some simple things first, such as doing certain breathing techniques or letting go of laughter with those closest to you. If stress still cannot be resolved or is getting worse, you should consider therapy or medical treatment.

The following are some stress medication options that you can try:

1. Laugh

Laughter has been known as the best stress reliever which also has many health benefits. By laughing, you indirectly improve blood circulation, relax your muscles, reduce stress, and also boost your immune system.

If you're feeling stressed, you can find entertainment that can make you laugh, like watching comedy or just hanging out with friends.

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2. Breathing technique

When you are stressed, you can experience dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and even an increase in blood pressure. By doing breathing techniques it is proven to activate the nervous system which plays a role in "calming" the body and reducing these complaints.

In addition, breathing techniques can also divert your mind from bad things that can trigger stress.

3. Get enough sleep

Another stress remedy that you should consider is getting enough sleep. Sleep can help you improve your mood, increase energy, and also refresh your body. Make the atmosphere of the room or bed as comfortable as possible and set the same bedtime every day.

4. Sports

Apart from getting enough sleep, exercise has also been shown to reduce the production of stress hormones in the body's blood. Not only that, regular exercise can also improve mood, improve sleep quality, and improve body fitness.

5. Consumption of natural health supplements

Herbal supplements, for example from the ashwagandha plant, are recognized for their efficacy in reducing stress and anxiety. This herbal remedy works by lowering levels of the hormone cortisol, which is a hormone produced by the body when anxious and stressed.

To get the benefits of supplements as a stress remedy, you need to take them according to the instructions on the packaging label or consult a doctor, especially if you are taking certain medical drugs.

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6. Psychotherapy

If the simple methods above are not effective enough to deal with stress, you can choose psychotherapy methods. Several types of psychotherapy that you can choose to treat stress, include counselling, cognitive behavioral therapy, or ecotherapy.

Psychotherapy is simply talking to a psychologist. Later, the psychologist will provide suggestions or opinions on the things that you put forward with the aim of shaping your mindset and attitude in response to stress or adapting to circumstances that cause you stress.

7. Medical drugs

In conditions of severe stress that has caused mental and physical disorders, drugs are needed to control it. Drugs that can be used as stress medications, for example fluoxetine, alprazolam, sertraline, or lorazepam.

However, these drugs should not be used carelessly and their use must be under the supervision of a doctor. You should also undergo an examination and interview with a doctor before taking the drug.

The thing to remember, stress is a part of life and it will be experienced by everyone. However, we can control how our bodies and minds deal with it. If you can face it positively, stress can actually be a trigger for you to grow and get better.

However, there is also a lot of stress that can interfere with your daily life and prevent you from developing for the better. In this condition, you may need stress medication from your doctor. So, don't hesitate to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist, OK?


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